Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is for Boston Legal fans. The final season show last night was great, but I don't understand one thing.

Who sent the used condom to the defense lawyers and why? It was said that the mother's DNA and the dentist DNA was on the condom. I repeat, who would have sent that to the lawyers and why? If the mother was having an affair with the dentist, which seems likely, that would rule out her aliby. She might have killed her husband. My guess is that when and if the show comes back next season, she will be charged with murder. Also, did you notice that as Denny Crain, also know as Captain Kirk to those of us over 45 years of age because of his role on Star Trek so many years ago, walked out of the courtroom after scoring a big point in the court room and as he was being "mobbed" by reporters, he said something like, "I used to be the captain of a space ship!" Did you catch that? Boston Legal is a great, great series! The best since Northern Exposure, in my opinion. So the main question is, who sent the used condom and why?


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